A day last week Robert disappeared all of a sudden. Poof. Just like that. Gone. Of course I assumed, like most women would, that he had gone to the john. Am I right ladies? But after nearly an hour I got worried and went looking. Thankfully he was safe and sound in the garage working away to my utter surprise and delight. Typically, when home, he only works after persistent request. Not that day!
Our garage lacks serious organization solutions - well you've seen it {here}. I'll give that it has come a long way in the past months as far as cleanliness and a bit of added function but it still has a long road ahead. Since moving in I have insisted that we need to make use of the high ceilings in there for additional storage - oh there is the nagging - but we have never made any official plans. Until now apparently.
Upon my discovery of Common-Law he was more than half way through creating a tire rack to be mounted just below the ceiling and above the electric panel for seasonal storage. Now that is what I am talking about! He went with a straightforward L-shaped plan of attack with leftover wood from previous projects - which essentially makes this DIY as good as free in my books. Win. Win.
It was wasted space, so why not? |
An L-shaped bracket style. Simple yet Effective. |
It isn't finished - to my standards anyhow. Robert insists that it is just in the garage and more than serves its purpose but I will be tackling it with some hole filler and paint one of these days {leftovers of course so it stays on the free track}.
The best part is that those tires are gone from beneath the work bench. Which clears up the perfect space to house the summer gear. For now anyhow.
It's not too bad, eh? Fits right in. And it clears up floor space! Can I just say that I love handy men and clever, simple storage solutions!
What do you think? Is the Common-Law earning his keep?
Great idea, need this in the carport pops!!