
Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Down and Out, Mind All About

'Do you know what we need?' questions Robert.

Naturally I respond with things from my personal 'to buy' list, 'A large mat, chairs, curtain fabric, coffee table...' {And that's just a few items from the living room - which is where I was sitting at the time}.

With ease Robert calmly shakes his head and says with a grin, 'Music. Everyone needs music.' On comes the radio. 

Such a wise man.

{Insert dance party here}

It is Tuesday already. Few. I hope everyone passed a lovely holiday weekend with friends and family. Unfortunately for me, I fell ill with the flu Saturday morning and am still battling for recovery today. As awful as it was for me being down and out in bed, the flip side was rather positive. Finn got to spend the entire weekend with his Pap and they had a wonderful time! This has never happened and it was due time - for both of them. Better yet, for all of us {less the flu}.

Finley is nine months now and this weekend was the first time I spent any real amount of time away from him. I've blamed it on nursing up until now {because people question parenting choices and I have had to explain a time or ten} but it really boils down to my not wanting to be away. This time only happens once and I dont want to miss it. But truly, I could use a break. Not from Finn really, but just time to get away for a while and not think about the zillion things I have to do. Relax.

It makes me feel guilty wanting personal time. Robert works very hard to support us and I get the luxury of staying home. {My regular thoughts go something along the lines of: I mean come on, I'm a stay at home Mom who's job is to love on my sweet baby and mind the house. Whats the big deal with that?} It is difficult to justify rewarding myself when my life as it is should be reward enough.

Well, lucky for me {funny because this luck happened when I was in a haze of sickness} but Robert got a glimpse of what it is like to run a household on your own with a baby, dogs, laundry, cooking, cleaning, garbage, and everything else to boot. And now that he has a better perspective on what I deal with on a regular basis it is easier for me to accept that what I do is in fact important and valuable.

So maybe, after the dance party of course, I'll get back to prioritizing the items on that 'to buy' list as a little gift to myself! Dreaming is a good place to start as far as relaxing goes.

Happy Tuesday All!

1 comment:

  1. That's truly making the best of a bad situation! I am glad you are back to the land of the living.
